Georgios V. Pitsiladis


PhD, Formal Methods Research Group, Department of Mathematics, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Science, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

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Journal Papers

  1. Georgios V. Pitsiladis & Costas D. Koutras: Embedding the Calendar and Time Type System in Temporal Type Theory, Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics
  2. Georgios V. Pitsiladis & Petros S. Stefaneas: A logical framework to model software development by multiple agents following a common specification, Journal of Logic and Computation 34(5)
  3. Costas D. Koutras & Georgios V. Pitsiladis: Galois connections for bilattices, Algebra universalis 82 (full text)

Conference Papers

  1. Georgios V. Pitsiladis & Petros S. Stefaneas: Converting BPMN Diagrams to Privacy Calculus, Eighth Symposium on Working Formal Methods (FROM 2024), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (code, slides)
  2. Georgios V. Pitsiladis & Petros S. Stefaneas: Implementation of Privacy Calculus and Its Type Checking in Maude, ISoLA 2018: Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Verification, Springer International Publishing (slides, Maude code, Maude example)


  1. On logical methods for specifications: abstract and type-theoretic approaches, PhD in Applied Mathematics, National Technical University of Athens, Greece. Supervised by Petros S. Stefaneas
  2. Notions of Galois connections for Bilattices, MSc in Alogithms, Logic, and Discrete Mathematics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens & National Technical University of Athens, Greece. Supervised by Costas D. Koutras
  3. Type checking privacy policies in the π-calculus and an executable implementation in Maude, Diploma (integrated master) of Applied Mathematics, National Technical University of Athens, Greece. Supervised by Petros S. Stefaneas

Selected talks

  1. Embedding the Calendar and Time Type System in Temporal Type Theory, Hellenic-Romanian Logic and Computation Seminar. (slides)
  2. Pre-bilattices in Univalent Foundations, 28th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES 2022), University of Nantes. (slides, video)
  3. A relativistic formal description of software development, 7th World Congress and School on Universal Logic (UNILOG 2022), Orthodox Academy of Crete. (slides)
  4. Privacy Calculus in Maude, Workshop "Rules: Logic and Applications", National Technical University of Athens. (slides)
  5. Type Checking Conditional Purpose‐Based Privacy Policies in the π‐calculus & Implementing Type Checking of π‐calculus Processes for Privacy in Maude, Formal Methods on Privacy, Limassol, Cyprus. (slides)


Teaching assistant

  1. Graph theory (exercises grading), School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Science, National Technical University of Athens
  2. Introduction to object oriented programming (labs & exercises grading), School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Science, National Technical University of Athens
  3. Discrete mathematics (exercises), School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Science, National Technical University of Athens